Monday, 2 February 2009

Fishermen are Stand-up Guys

While recovering from surgery I have been watching a lot of television…I mean a lot!

One of the things I can’t help but notice is that the commercials shown on fishing shows have to do with fishing gear; ATV’s, rods, new lures, boots. It is all stuff like that.


Golf shows on the other hand mostly have advertisements for things like Viagra, men’s hair dye, hair plugs and Metamucil fibre supplements.

Now, I’m not drawing any conclusions here about the reliability of a fisherman’s tackle over a golfer’s shaft but ya’ gotta’ wonder what’s up (or not, as the case may be) with that?

The best comment I’ve heard recently about golf is that it keeps a lot of folks busy who would otherwise be out cluttering up the trout streams.

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Blogger Tony said...

I do both .....Golf if I'm strugling with my shaft and getting it in the hole .....I'm off fishing !!!

13 February 2009 at 01:22  
Blogger Steve Dobson said...

Hello Tony,

I guess one should never point a loaded pun at a friend.


18 February 2009 at 22:31  

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