Saturday, 6 December 2008

A Visit to the Henry’s Fork and the Snake River

Well I guess one has really arrived as a blogger when people start sending stuff to review.

Yesterday in the mail I received a DVD from a company called DryFly Media. The concept is simple and simply enjoyable. They send a videographer to some of the most famous and beautiful fly fishing rivers in the USA and record nothing but the river as a fisherman would see it if he were scouting for rising fish or just pausing on the bank to enjoy the view.

The sound track is the gurgles and wild sound of the environment. The video they sent me for review runs about 80 minutes. It is an absolute pleasure.

I watched it the first time with an eagle-eye for risers and now just let it play in the background for the sights and sounds of the fishiest places I’ve ever seen.

In this case it is the Henry’s Fork and the Snake River. Also available in the series are The Gallatin River in southwest Montana, The Madison, the Yellowstone and the Missouri.

I encourage you to visit the website as well as checking out their blog.

Oh yeah, if you like the idea and are thinking of buying one or two drop me a note before you order. They have offered a discount for readers of this blog.

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